Discover the CaixaBank Sectoral Digitalisation Index #CSDI2020

Today marks the publication of the first CaixaBank Sectoral Digitalisation Index, a tool which measures Spanish companies’ degree of digitalisation in relation to the European technological frontier.

Content available in
July 20th, 2021

Like all European economies, Spain is in the midst of a digital transformation, and this transformation is key to boosting business productivity, sustainable growth and quality job creation. Furthermore, it will be spurred on by the various initiatives set out in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (RTRP) presented by the Spanish government.

The CaixaBank Sectoral Digitalisation Index (known as #CSDI2020, as an acronym of its name in Spanish) gives us an insight on Spanish companies’ degree of digitalisation in relation to the European technological frontier. In the 4 years analysed (2017-2020) we see that all economic sectors are making significant progress in their digital transition and this is allowing Spain to reduce the gap relative to countries of the north, which are the leaders in digitalisation within the European Union.

The #CSDI2020 is built using information from a wide range of sources (data from external sources, internal CaixaBank data and information from Twitter) and is structured into 3 pillars (and 18 sub-pillars), allowing us to analyse companies’ degree of digitalisation in different fields:

  1. digital productive assets (technological capital and digitalisation of their human resources), 
  2. the digital intensity of interactions in their value chain (interactions with suppliers, customers, government and financial institutions) and  
  3. the intensity in the use of digital technologies (ranging from the more traditional to emerging technologies, such as blockchain).

Download here the #CSDI2020

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