Financial Markets Daily Report
19 May 2021

In yesterday's session, investors weighed the reopening of economies against inflationary pressures concerns. On the latter, nevertheless, ECB's Villeroy de Galhau said that the inflation spike in the euro area is likely to be temporary and that the monetary policy stance will remain very accommodative for a long time.

  • In yesterday's session, investors weighed the reopening of economies against inflationary pressures concerns. On the latter, nevertheless, ECB's Villeroy de Galhau said that the inflation spike in the euro area is likely to be temporary and that the monetary policy stance will remain very accommodative for a long time.
  • In this context, stock indices edged down in the US and in core euro area countries while equities increased in the periphery and in Asia. Yields on US treasuries edged slightly down along the curve while increasing in Germany. 
  • In commodity markets, the price of the barrel of Brent declined on expectations that oil supply could increase after a media report suggested that the US and Iran are advancing on a nuclear deal. 
  • Today investors will focus on the Fed's minutes of its April meeting, which may shed light on how FOMC members view the economic recovery and the inflation spike in the US.