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The rise in savings: magnitude, distribution and the importance of demographics Spanish economy Javier García Arenas Eduard Alcobé Garcia January 14th, 2025
February 2016 | No. 398DossierNew technologies and the labour marketContent available in catalan spanishPrint Download File Editorial The New Luddites Jordi Gual Key points of the month A turbulent start to the year in the financial markets Forecasts and indicators ForecastsKey indicators financial marketsKey indicators international economyKey indicators European UnionKey indicators Spanish economy Financial markets Economic outlook The twofold effect of China and cheap oil is shaking up the international finance scene Focus Can emerging economies withstand the US interest rate hikes? Focus The natural rate of interest: clues, questions and some answers International economy Economic outlook 2016 will be a year of world growth Focus Towards an external debt crisis in Latin America? Focus Change of pattern in energy consumption: the China effect European economy Economic outlook Domestic demand drives growth in spite of global instability Focus Will the euro area catch a cold from the Asian giant sneezing? Focus Discovering monetary policy in the shadow Spanish economy Economic outlook Robust growth without inflationary pressures Focus Spain's banking sector, ready to support the recovery Focus Capital inflows in the Spanish economy: more and better Focus The public deficit: an insufficient adjustment DossierNew technologies and the labour market Focus How to take advantage of the positive impact of technological change on employment? Josep Mestres Domènech Focus Automation: the dread of workers Clàudia Canals Focus The unavoidable metamorphosis of the labour market: how can education help? Maria Gutiérrez-Domènech Focus Will the Fourth Industrial Revolution come to Spain? Adrià Morron Salmeron
Economic outlook The twofold effect of China and cheap oil is shaking up the international finance scene
Focus How to take advantage of the positive impact of technological change on employment? Josep Mestres Domènech
Focus The unavoidable metamorphosis of the labour market: how can education help? Maria Gutiérrez-Domènech