Financial Markets Daily Report
25 marzo 2022

Investors traded with a risk-on sentiment on Thursday, following better-than-expected economic sentiment data across advanced economies and after EU leaders refrained from imposing sanctions on Russian energy exports. The US government also announced a plan to boost supplies of liquified natural gas to the EU.

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  • Investors traded with a risk-on sentiment on Thursday, following better-than-expected economic sentiment data across advanced economies and after EU leaders refrained from imposing sanctions on Russian energy exports. The US government also announced a plan to boost supplies of liquified natural gas to the EU.
  • The composite PMI fell from 55.5 in February to 54.5 in March for the eurozone, but still above expectations. In the US, the PMI improved relative to February. Across countries, however, the survey showed price pressures building up.
  • In this context, sovereign bond yields resumed its upward movement, with the German 10-year Bund above the 0.50% mark. Spreads across the eurozone southern countries, however, remained contained. In addition, equity prices rose notably in the US while were mixed across Europe. Commodity prices fell modestly.
  • Today, the IFO business survey for March in Germany is released.