Financial Markets Daily Report
25 agosto 2021

Markets were mixed in a light-volume session with no major economic releases. A rebound in Chinese equities and rising commodity prices supported EM currencies and triggered gains across emerging-economy stock markets. In advanced-economies, U.S. equities rose moderately while European markets closed mixed.

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  • Markets were mixed in a light-volume session with no major economic releases. A rebound in Chinese equities and rising commodity prices supported EM currencies and triggered gains across emerging-economy stock markets. In advanced-economies, U.S. equities rose moderately while European markets closed mixed.
  • In fixed-income markets, sovereign yields edged higher in the U.S. but were little changed in the euro area. Peripheral spreads remained low.
  • In FX markets, the USD weakened against most currencies and the euro fluctuated below $1.18.
  • On the data front, Germany's GDP growth in Q2 was revised to 1.6% qoq (+0.1pp with respect to the flash estimate first released in July). Today there is a light economic calendar, with the release of sentiment indicators compiled by the Ifo institute.