Financial Markets Daily Report
05 julio 2023

Trading in global markets was subdued on Tuesday as US markets were closed due to a domestic holiday and there was little in the way of data releases to guide investors. The most notable of these was German exports, which fell -0.1% m/m in May, missing analysts expectations of a 0.3% rise.

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  • Trading in global markets was subdued on Tuesday as US markets were closed due to a domestic holiday and there was little in the way of data releases to guide investors. The most notable of these was German exports, which fell -0.1% m/m in May, missing analysts expectations of a 0.3% rise.
  • In this context, European equities fell, with Germanys DAX down -0.3% and Spains Ibex down -0.6%. Meanwhile sovereign short-term bond yields fell while long-term ones rose across the board, with Italian spreads widening.
  • On the other hand, Brent crude oil gained 2.1% after Saudi Arabia said it would extend its 1 million barrel per day supply cut to August and Russia announced a cut in exports.
  • Today, the focus will be on services PMI data for the Eurozone and China, followed by the minutes of the Feds latest policy meeting, while investors await US employment data at the end of the week.