Financial Markets Daily Report
30 març 2022

Financial markets experienced risk-on flows as investors read positively the advances in Russian-Ukrainian talks. Despite not reaching a deal to cease fire, both sides agreed to de-escalate the conflict. In this context, volatility declined and stock indices rose across advanced and emerging economies' trading floors.

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  • Financial markets experienced risk-on flows as investors read positively the advances in Russian-Ukrainian talks. Despite not reaching a deal to cease fire, both sides agreed to de-escalate the conflict. In this context, volatility declined and stock indices rose across advanced and emerging economies' trading floors.
  • In fixed-income markets, yields on euro area sovereign bonds edged up (the German Bund traded above 0.70%, a level not seen since early 2018) and peripheral spreads narrowed. In the US, the 10-year Treasury yields declined while shorter maturity bonds rose and the spread between the 2-year and 10-year briefly inverted.
  • Elsewhere, the price of the barrel of Brent edged down while European gas prices rose. The USD weakened amid risk-on flows and the euro fluctuated above $1.10.
  • This morning INE released the headline CPI inflation for March, which rose from 7.6% to 9.8% y/y.