Financial Markets Daily Report
23 març 2022

Investors traded with a risk-on sentiment on Tuesday, still waiting for more information about the ongoing talks between Russia and Ukraine and digesting hawkish signals from central bankers, with various Fed officials supporting a more aggressive normalization of policy interest rates.

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  • Investors traded with a risk-on sentiment on Tuesday, still waiting for more information about the ongoing talks between Russia and Ukraine and digesting hawkish signals from central bankers, with various Fed officials supporting a more aggressive normalization of policy interest rates.
  • In Europe, Bank of France Villeroy de Galhau said the ECB needed to normalise monetary policy to keep inflation expectations anchored.
  • In this context, investors continued to sell sovereign bonds across the board, a move that tended to favor a positive momentum in equity prices. Oil prices also fell back during volatile trading, with no clear consensus among EU capitals on whether to impose a potential ban on Russian crude imports. EU leaders will hold a Summit this Thursday.
  • Today, flash consumer sentiment for March is released for the eurozone. Fed head Powell is also delivering a speech.