Financial Markets Daily Report
14 març 2022

In the last session of the week, investors traded cautiously amid ongoing talks between Russian and Ukrainian authorities, although during the weekend Russia intensified aerial attacks on the western part of Ukraine. This week talks are expected to continue between both countries and officials from China and the US will also hold a meeting.

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  • In the last session of the week, investors traded cautiously amid ongoing talks between Russian and Ukrainian authorities, although during the weekend Russia intensified aerial attacks on the western part of Ukraine. This week talks are expected to continue between both countries and officials from China and the US will also hold a meeting.
  • In this context, stock indices rose in Europe but declined elsewhere. In fixed-income markets, yields on sovereign bonds edged down in the euro area while the short-end of the US Treasury yield curve rose.
  • In commodity markets, European gas prices and the barrel of Brent rose modestly but ended at lower price levels than the ones seen in previous sessions.
  • This week the focus will be on the US Federal Reserve and Bank of England monetary policy meetings (Wednesday and Thursday, respectively) where a 25bp interest rate hike from both institutions is expected by investors.