Financial Markets Daily Report
05 abril 2022

Financial markets started the week with cautious optimism, with investors looking ahead for the release of the minutes of the March meetings later this week by the Fed and the ECB. Talks between Russia and Ukraine are due to continue, while western governments called for new sanctions against Russia, prompting a new rise in oil prices.

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  • Financial markets started the week with cautious optimism, with investors looking ahead for the release of the minutes of the March meetings later this week by the Fed and the ECB. Talks between Russia and Ukraine are due to continue, while western governments called for new sanctions against Russia, prompting a new rise in oil prices. 
  • In Spain, social security affiliations continued to rise in March, despite the uncertainty around geopolitical events and the jump in inflation (see our note here). Exports in Germany also surprised positively in February.
  • Equity prices rose across emerging markets, boosted by the announcement that Chinese regulators plan to ease restrictions for audit access for overseas-listed firms. Stocks picked up also in the US and across Europe, while sovereign yields hovered around recent levels. The EUR depreciated against the USD. 
  • The March final PMIs are due to be released today. Also, Fed Governor Brainard will give a speech.