Financial Markets Daily Report
04 marzo 2022

In yesterday's session, investors remained cautious and still showed some preference for safe assets, such as the US dollar or the Swiss Franc, against equities.

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  • In yesterday's session, investors remained cautious and still showed some preference for safe assets, such as the US dollar or the Swiss Franc, against equities. 
  • In this context, stock indices declined across advanced economies while yields on 10-year sovereign bonds ticked down in Germany and rose in the euro area periphery. The US Treasury yield curve flattened, with increases in the short end and declines in longer maturities.
  • In commodity markets, oil prices ended the day with modest declines as investors increased their bets on a US-Iran nuclear deal that could add several oil barrels to the market. European gas prices registered abrupt fluctuations during the session which sent gas prices to unprecedented levels.
  • Today's focus will be on February's employment report for the US, where analysts expect a net job creation of +423k.