Financial Markets Daily Report
21 febrero 2022

In the last session of the week investors traded with a risk-off mood amid escalating tensions around Russia and Ukraine. During the weekend, the White House accepted a summit between Biden and Putin as long as Russia does not invade Ukraine, a move that could help deescalating tensions.

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  • In the last session of the week investors traded with a risk-off mood amid escalating tensions around Russia and Ukraine. During the weekend, the White House accepted a summit between Biden and Putin as long as Russia does not invade Ukraine, a move that could help deescalating tensions.
  • On monetary policy, the main news on Friday came from two Fed members who argued in favor of a 25bp move in March's meeting, instead of a more aggressive 50bp hike. In this context, yields on sovereign bonds declined in both sides of the Atlantic, euro area peripheral spreads widened and stock indices declined across the board.
  • This week the focus will be on February Markit PMI flash releases for the main advanced economies (today), February's IFO survey in Germany (Tue.), US PCE inflation figures for January (Fri.) and several central bank members speeches (de Guindos, de Cos, Schnabel in the euro area and Bostic Waller and Mester in the US).