Financial Markets Daily Report
04 abril 2023

In yesterday's session, investors' concerns about the pace of economic activity in the coming months led to a generalized risk-off sentiment. In particular, the US manufacturing ISM declined from 47.7 to 46.3 while the prices paid subcomponent fell too (from 51.1 to 49.2).

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  • In yesterday's session, investors' concerns about the pace of economic activity in the coming months led to a generalized risk-off sentiment. In particular, the US manufacturing ISM declined from 47.7 to 46.3 while the prices paid subcomponent fell too (from 51.1 to 49.2).
  • In the euro area, final March manufacturing PMI was revised slightly upwards (to 47.3) while in Italy it decreased from the previous month and increased in Spain.
  • In this context, yields on sovereign bonds edged down in both sides of the Atlantic while equities were mixed. In commodity markets, the price of the barrel of Brent fluctuated around $85 following the surprise production cut announced by OPEC+. European natural gas prices rose too, above 50€/MWh.
  • Today, the focus will be on the February PPI inflation data for the euro area.