Financial Markets Daily Report
21 desembre 2021

In the first session of a week with low trading volumes, investors' sentiment kept the negative tone seen on Friday amid rising COVID-19 cases. In the US, Joe Biden's $1.75 trillion spending package was rejected in the Senate and contributed to the worsening economic outlook for the coming quarters.

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  • In the first session of a week with low trading volumes, investors' sentiment kept the negative tone seen on Friday amid rising COVID-19 cases. In the US, Joe Biden's $1.75 trillion spending package was rejected in the Senate and contributed to the worsening economic outlook for the coming quarters.
  • In this context, stock indices declined across advanced and emerging economies, with automobile and financial sectors leading the losses. In fixed income-markets, yields on sovereign bonds remained fairly stable and euro area peripheral spreads widened modestly.
  • In commodity markets, the price of the barrel of Brent edged down below $72 while European gas prices continued to increase and reached a new record high close to €147/MWh.
  • Today the focus will be on the euro area Consumer Confidence indicator for December.